BIKE Magazine is the UK’s cycling and travel publication for getting out and enjoying the world of cycling. With specialist features on leisure, touring, sportives, commuting and family cycling we aim to inspire regular riding. We offer product reviews and eBIKE feature. BIKE Magazine covers the whole world of cycling, including enjoying yourself off the bike too. So we do feature cycling book and film reviews, and regularly cover cycling in the arts.
BIKE Magazine
XIAOMI OPENWEAR STEREO EARBUDS • Xiaomi OpenWear Stereo Earbuds have certainly made their mark in the growing market of sport-focused wireless earbuds. Combining an open-ear design, lightweight build, and decent sound quality, they cater to cyclists, city commuters, and active users who prioritise comfort, situational awareness, and safety
BIKEPACKING NORWAY • This August, myself, Ed Watson and James Watson (to be known henceforth as the Hairless Bikers due to our unpopulated stubbles!) cycled the length of Norway from south to north in support of the Tom Love Trust.
BIKEPACKING QUÉBEC • Tout Terrain & KLICKfix present: Changing Direction: Bikepacking through Gaspésie & Bas-Saint-Laurent
COSTA RICA • 814 kilometres 3912 meters cumulated ascent elevation 4113 meters cumulated descent elevation
THE PAN CELTIC CYCLING • With 400 Kilometres remaining in the Pan Celtic Race, rider Laurence Kilpatrick juggles sleep and sanity.